sthreevada kavitvam-sthree
sthreevada kavitvam-sthree
ਦਿੱਲੀ ਮੇ ਪ੍ਰਦੂਸ਼ਣ ਦਾ ਕਹਿਰ sarabjeet singh, sri gurunanak dev khalsa college, delhi university, B.A.Programming ਜਿਵੇ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਕਰੇ ਜੜਦੇ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਦਿੱਲੀ ਵਿਚ ਵੱਧਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਦੂਸ਼ਣ ਦੇ ਕਰਨ ਕਾਫੀ ਹਾਦਸੇ ਹੋ ਰਹੇ ਨੇ।ਹਵਾ ਦੀ ਗੁਣਵੱਤਾ ਘਟਣ ਕਾਰਨ ਇੰਡੀਅਨ ਮੈਡੀਕਲ ਐਸੋਸੀਏਸ਼ਨ ਨੇ ਦਿੱਲੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਨ ਸੇਹਤ ਸੰਕਟ ਦੀ ਘੋਸ਼ਣਾ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ। […]
महाकविः कालिदासः – पर्यावरण परिरक्षणम् Dr. K.V.R.B. Vara Lakshmi Dinesh Babu Kandukuri H.O.D. of Sanskrit Research Scholar Sri Y.N.M. College Andhra University NARSAPUR VIZAG आधुनिककाले पर्यावरणसमस्या सर्वत्र समजनि। पर्यावरणस्य मानवजीवनस्य अन्योन्यसम्बन्धः दरीदृश्यते। पर्यावरणस्य मानवजीवनस्य अन्योन्यसम्बन्धः दरीदृश्यते। पर्यावरणसमतुल्यं विना मानवजीवनं क्लिष्टतरं भवति। “परि” आङ् इत्युपसर्गद्वयपूर्वकात् वृञ् आवरणे इति धातोः ल्युटि प्रत्येये […]
“WOMEN TODAY” GROUND REALITY AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Submitted by T.V.Bharathi Lakshmi.,Lecturer in English B.V.K.College Women Today and Literature Behind every successful man there is a strong woman Abstract: Women is the source of energy of her family and hence the backbone of the country. But from time immemorial she has […]
WOMEN TODAY AND POLITICS – K. Jagadeeswari “I would boycott that legislature which will not have a proper share of women members” – Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi has played an important role in the participation of women in political activities in India. Gandhiji was uncompromising in the matter of women’s […]
Women today Women in modern society 1.Mrs.B.Anitha 2. K.K.Sowjanya In charge, Dept .of History Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics St.Joseph’s college for women(A),VSP St.Joseph’s college for women(A),VSP Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected] Abstract: The role of woman in today’s world is significant in all dimensions .In the 21st century is proved that women […]
HUMAN TRAFFICKING FUELS VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Dr. P.Sreevani 1. In-Charge Dept. of Botany and UG Biotechnology, Dr. V. S. Krishna Govt. Degree College (A), Visakhapatnam. Ph:9908369522, Email: [email protected] Abstract Trafficking in persons is a serious crime, a grave violation of human rights and Trafficking in children is a global phenomenon. […]
मृणाल पांडे कृत ‘देवी’ उपन्यास’ में चित्रित मानव-मूल्य डाॅ. काकानि श्रीकृष्ण सह-आचार्य, आचार्य नागार्जुन विश्व विद्यालय, गुंटूर, आंध्रप्रदेश आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्य में मृणाल पांडे सर्वतोमुखी प्रतिभा संपन्न साहित्यकार है |वे कहानीकार ,उपन्यासकार के साथ –साथ नाटककार तथा कृतिकार के रूप में प्रसिद्द हैं|उनकी नाटक ,कहानी और उपन्यास साहित्य का इन […]