Humanity and literature
Dr. V. S. Kamalakar
Lecturer in Hindi
Government College for Woman
Srikakulam 532001
Cell No’ 9441267061
Introduction: – In the creation of the Almighty the most colossal aliment is nothing but the ‘Human being’ on the earth, but only after the beautiful ‘Nature’. Man might also realized this universal fact, perhaps when he realized the magnanimous and stupendous qualities of his own race among the 8.4million living beings. During the chronological evaluation of human life speech and syllables perforated slowly into his daily routine; this order of changes later manifested as Language and Literature, which are the sign posts of proliferated culture. Taking another giant leap in his life man transpositioned his jungle congregational life style into disciplined social life, where life started to follow the unwritten rules and regulations of culture, for the benefit of man-kind. At this crucial juncture man began to taboo the animalities of his life to manifest his real nature in the form of ‘Humanity’.
Humanity and Human life: – In this vast creation one can find the life principle in four forms such as animality, bestiality, humanity and divinity. The main object of human life should be to negate the animal attributes and to accomplish the divinity in human form. In this endeavor his prime aim is to evaluate the human qualities in his personality to plausible his form. Manifesting the human qualities in human form is not such an easy task as it seems, but it is the most incommodious act to be done in the existent self-centralized-psychic world. But man should not forget his indubitable nature of humanity which is the water-mark of his character. As fragrance in flower, brilliance in sun, serenity in shrine, beauty in a baby’s beam, nonchalance in a dew drop, are Quite natural so the humanity in a ‘Human being’. Pages of world history are studded with stars of real human beings, who manifested humanity in their sojourn of life to ushered the man-kind to its destination. In the realm of Indian context the story of humanity is ever eternal and even most potential linguist too will fail to delineate the generosity of these characters. From vedik ages Indians used to manifest ‘Humanity’ as their inherent quality, because from ancient periods Humanity is the main curriculum of the education system of Bharat. Stalwart academicians of ancient times always educated that bondage between ‘Human beings’ and ‘Humanity’ is similar to body and shadow.
Literature and Human life: – Literature is the most colossal and splendorous sign of expression of human heart in limited syllables. It is the sign post of highest cultural evaluation in ancient times. In a firm voice the ‘Upanishads’ declare literature is the symbol of knowledge which distinct human beings from animals. On the other hand famous Hindi author Mahaveer Prasad dwivedi says that the literature is the treasure of knowledge. Authors of authority proclaim that in absence of literature any race or cult can be declared as uncivilized. But one should not confound that literature is a mere dossier of dogmas and doctrines, but it is a profound proclamation of does and do not’s of human life. Hence in a few words we can define literature like this “Literature is the thin line to differentiate the civilized and uncivilized in modern times.” Hence it is understood that literature is a wonderful boon of any language which has the facility of script for eternal expression. Literature pours the inspirational oil in the lamp of life to lit the wick of intellect with the flame of knowledge which guides us to reach the ultimate destination of our life; in this manner literature plays the exhilarating pedagogic role in our life.
Literature and Humanity: – If literature is defined as humanitarian perfection, then one can authoritatively proclaim that humanity is the potent custodian of literature. Pages of world history is congested with innumerable instances in which many times humanitarian hearts shielded literature from its complete devastation in the hands of truculent emperors. When the herculean emperor Nadhir shah of Persia invaded India he ordered his soldiers to burnt down the famous library of Delhi; then one of his ministers could persuaded the emperor to stop the barbarous and ferocious conflagration though the minister was unacquainted with the grandiosity of the language Sanskrit. In this manner a grand treasure of literature was safeguarded from devastation for the benefit of future generations. Humanity grabbed all the opportunities at its reach to manifest itself in all forms of literature weather it is spiritual or scientific, imperialistic or proletarian. Authors of all languages always tried their best to promulgate the necessity of humanity and how it could be manifested in life.
The genesis point of Indian languages is Sanskrit, which established the doctrine of ‘Humanity’ in its totality, virtuousness and excellence in all of its branches through the architects of literature. These architects aciculated their quills and pens in rooting out all the weeds and malignants of the society. Literary works of these authors became modern inscriptions not only to narrate the history of mankind, but also became blueprints to pave the beautiful path to the destination of human life. To list out the names of these legends will be a gigantesque task to carry out, but their existence is all pervading. On the strong support of poles of these literary works the beautiful creeper of humanity could bloom in its full with the fragrant flowers of equality, fraternity, generosity and divinity to make the world again as the garden of Heavens. Just we have to wait with utmost forbearance to the harvest of these author’s indefatigable efforts and endeavors in the land of Literature. History of literature is divided into ages, which is a common phenomenon in every language and generally these ages are divided on the bases of literary trends concern to that particular period of time and social scenario. The observant authors always tried their best to coronate humanity on the throne of equanimity for the smooth sojourn of society. Time to time these authors irradiated sparks of their revolutionary perceptions through their pens to conflagrant the iniquitousness in its totality. Harriet eligebeth stoe, Alex holy and Howard fast fought against slavery; Subhramanya Bharati rose his pen to confront untouchbility and Gurajada Apparao attacked child marriage system of then society. At international level presently all the authors in unison consecrating their pens to obliterate terrorism. Demolition of this mind set is the only solution to protect humanity which could be done by the international authors community. In the light of hope only ‘Humanity’ can sustain.