Integration of Education Technology and Traditional Classroom
Teaching at Undergraduate Level
P. Padma Priya
Asst. Professor Visakha Govt. Degree College (w) Visakhapatnam, AP [email protected]
Integration of traditional classroom teaching with education technology is gaining momentum in higher education both at Post Graduation Level and Under Graduation Level. In this technological era traditional classroom teaching alone is unable to meet the aspects of knowledge acquisition and the educational requirements of the present day generation. A combination of traditional teaching with ample use of technology based e-learning has been yielding more qualitative outcomes in higher education. The youth population of India is eager to reap the fruits of the education technology and also technology in general to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Accordingly teaching faculty also needs to improve their skill sets to cater to the needs of the students. They need to possess better knowledge of available online learning resources and e-learning material. Digital technology, Virtual classrooms, learning Management System-LMS, effective of use of You-tube, Smart Phones and mobile apps are being effectively used at Under Graduate level.
Key Words: education technology, inclusion of technology in higher education, under graduate level, digital and virtual technology, mobile enabled learning (m-learning)
The Mission 2030 of Higher Education aims at quality learning outcomes through innovative approaches in higher education. Education technology is fast growing and it has been influencing the institutions like the University Grants Commission (UGC), Rashtriya Uchchattar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) and the Central and State governments of India in policy making in the field of education. The focus was shifted from teacher-centric methods to learner-centric methods. Students are of utmost importance in the present-day education system. The young generation is mostly self-motivated and more attracted to web browsing and can self-learn many things online. Hence the technological tools could be better used in higher education.
India has the credit of being one of the largest networks of higher education institutions with more than 39,000 colleges and 867 universities as on April 24th 2019 ( According to India Brand Equity Foundation, India “has become the second largest market for e-learning after the US. The sector is expected to reach US$ 1.96 billion by 2021 with around 9.5 million users.” (
Inclusive education and inclusion of technology make learning experiences more interesting and more interactive. They are translating the abstract concepts into virtual reality and making the teaching-learning outcomes more of experience than of understanding by cognition and imagination. Mere traditional classroom instruction is nowadays unable to motivate and inspire students. Digital technology, Virtual classrooms, effective of use of You-tube, Smart Phones and mobile apps are being effectively used at Under Graduate level. Online learning material can be tailor-made according to the requirements of students.
The introduction of digital and virtual technology into the classrooms has been channelizing the enthusiasm towards knowledge acquisition and the learning outcomes of youth in a constructive way. The effectiveness of digital and virtual technology has been changing the face of traditional classroom teaching. According to Patton Renne,
Effective digital transformation isn’t just about technology, though. It requires a willingness to adopt technology in new ways, beyond administrative process. It must be continual and evolutionary in order to enhance teaching and learning, support business processes and improve efficiency. It also necessitates collaborative working; vision and leadership; culture; process and methodology – and the technology itself. (Digital Evolution)
Digital technology supports open-ended learning. Technology can help improve teaching, at the same time face to face interaction is more essential which is an important characteristic feature of traditional classroom teaching. A teacher / mentor cannot be replaced by mere technology. A combination of traditional classroom teaching with ample use of technology-based e-learning has been yielding more qualitative outcomes in higher education. Accordingly teaching faculty also needs to improve their technical skill sets to encounter the challenges. They need to possess a better knowledge of available online learning resources and e-learning material.
When we think of the digital classroom, we tend to focus on the technology. But we are not yet at the point where technology can replace the teacher, and we most likely will never get there. This is because it is the teacher’s duty to guide students to use technology responsibly. Transitioning from a traditional classroom to a digital classroom requires more than just integrating technology, it requires teaching strategies to implement technology in the most effective ways. (LiveTiles)
In Andhra Pradesh, virtual classroom technology is being implemented at the under graduate level. It is an online learning management system where teachers and learners connect and communicate with each other from different geographical locations. The teaching expertise can be easily transferred to the students across the state through virtual classroom technology. It is an advantage to the colleges and students where there are no teachers for particular subjects. Virtual classrooms are enabling teachers and students to experience the online interactive tools and quality learning outcomes.
Mobile learning is easy to access to learn online e-courses, e-books, e-readers and it has been giving access to education to learn from anywhere in their convenient time. Many apps are available for mobile learning. Even the dictionary is available through the mobile app. All of these are strengthening the e-learning experience of the students. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are being encouraged for students and faculty as well. Online courses are further enhancing the skill sets of faculty with up to date knowledge.
Even though the technology is penetrating deep into the higher education system both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels yet it cannot replace the trained teachers. We should not underestimate the human aspect in teaching. Ultimately it is the teacher who plays a major role in building the character of the youth and a better society.
“Education and Training Industry in India.” India Brand Equity Foundation,
Renee, Patton. “Digital Evolution: A new approach to Learning and Teaching in
Higher Education.” The World University Rankings, 4 July 2018.
28 June 2016.