Reader in Sanskrit
V.S.M. College (A)
According to Clifford woody, “Research comprises the following aspects…Defining and Redefining problems, Formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, Collecting, Organizing and evaluating data, Making deductions and reading conclusions.
Essential aspects in Research are..
- Selection of Guide.
- Selection of topic.
- Need to know the learning objectives.
- Decide to mode of the research weather it is cable/table.
- Collection of material or data
- Designing the data.
Nowadays plagiarism takes much more importance in Research methodology. Etymological meaning of the word Plagiarism was derived from the Latin word plagiarieswhich means kidnapper. Plagiarism is nothing but reproducing or copying another author’s ideas and language and reproducing as his own work is called Plagiarism. Plagiarism is identified as copying word for word for more than three sentences is called plagiarism.
Types of Plagiarism.
There are many types in plagiarism but the researchers identified 7 major types of plagiarism are noticed. They are…
- COMPLET FORM OF PLAGIARISM: In this plagiarism the researcher copies as it is some bodiesas it is.
- SOURCE BASED PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism may occur from different sources. This increases the citation number of the references. In this case researcher can mislead the learners and observers from 1st source to 2ndsource or 2nd to 1st.
- DIRECTPLAGIARISM: When an author copies word to word, without using quotations and makes it as his own.
- SELF OR AUTO PLAGIARISM: When an author refuses significant portions of his or her previously published work without attribution.
- PARAPHRASING PLAGIARISM: This is the most common type of plagiarism. Use of someone else’s writing with minor changes.
- MOSAICPLAGIARISM: It is also known as patch work plagiarism. It is difficult to detect because in this type of plagiarism someone else’s phrases or text within its own research.
- ACCIDENTALPLAGIARISM: This plagiarism may be accidental due to neglect, mistake or unintentional paraphrasing. Students are likely to commit accidental plagiarism.
How to avoid plagiarism in research papers?
These are the common steps we should follow while writing a research paper to avoid plagiarism….
1.UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT: Don’t copy paste the text from the reference book and represent the idea in your own words.
2.QUOTE: Use a relevant quote in the same as they appear in the paper.
3.IDENTIFY WHAT DOES AND WHAT DOES NOT NEED TO BE CITED: Any ideas taken from others need to be cited. If it is self plagiarism or using content from own paper also need to be cited. Common knowledge factors need not be cited.
4.MANAGE THE CITATIONS: Use Citation software like END NOTE or REFERENCE MANAGER to manage the citations used. Use multiple references for the information.
5.USE PLAGIARISM CHECKERS: Use various plagiarism checkers like i Thenticateor Etablast to see how much content is plagiarized
Both FORGERY and PLAGIARISM are forms of fraud. In committing art forgery I claim anther person’s work as my work.
According to Sanskrit poet Kalidasa ……..
“I collected material from various ancient Epic Text to narrate this Surya dynasity. My work made easier as thread entering into the whole of diamond”
REFERANCES:-1. Research Methodology and technique by C.R.Kothary.
- Plagiarism Definition-oxford Dictionary.
- Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa by M.R.Kale.