ISSN NO. 2581-9070 ONLINE

Sanskrit Communication Values in Literature of Kalidasa

Sanskrit Communication Values in Literature of Kalidasa

Dr.S.U.V.RAJALAKSHMI                                                                                               Sanskrit Lecturer                                                                                                                     Chaitanya Degree & PG College For Women                                                                                 Old Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam,Andhra Pradesh                                                                           Cell no:- 9491550796                                                                                                                     Email:  [email protected]

The greatness of Sanskrit knowledge power lies in communication skills. The teacher teaches the lesson before the disciple with examples. There by knowing the literature with the power of Sanskrit knowledge. As the sun rises lotuses blossom. That is the sanskrit language scientific knowledge.

Communication values of the Lord Siva and Parvati:-

Lord Siva with his matted hair, wearing deer skin, holding a staff of Palasa entered in the hermitage of Parvati to test her meditation. Lord siva shining with spiritual radiance comes in the form of Brahmachari. The hospitable Parvati welcomes him with respect. He accepted the hospitality of Parvati, offered according to the rules and addressed her in the proper order. Are the sacrificial sticks and holy grass easily obtainable to you. Are the waters good enough for bath? The body is the primary means of dharma. Oh Parvati ! the beautiful form does not sin is true in your case. For your behaviour has become an example even to the sages. The Himavan was purified with his generations by Parvat’s deeds. He is not purified even by the waters of the holy Ganges. This is the personality development of Parvati.

Oh Parvati! Dharma is the first and foremost activity of trivarga. You accepted dharma is a good merit of your mind ( Trivarga-Dharma-Artha and Kama)  you honoured me a special hospitality with a great pleasure. I am not a outside person about your thought. The scholars said friendship with the good by seven words. I am asking some questions to you with friendship. If it is not a secret you can answer me. You are born in the family of the great creator. Your body is the consolidation of the beauties of the three worlds. You are rich and the age is young. Tell me what you can do this penance said this question by Brhmachari – a bachelor. The strong and daring women doing meditation with something sufferings. But it is not a possible in your case to my mind with deep reflection. Oh Parvati with beautiful eye brows! In your father’s house who will insult you? There is no insult by others. Because who will dare to stretch his hand for the Jewel on the head of a serpent. Here the great poet kalidasa discussed about the greatness of Parvati with human power. It is the one type of human value of her career. Why have you remove the ornaments in youth and worn the bark garment in oldage.

Oh Parvati! If you desire heaven then your effort is not necessary. Your father’s places is a divine places. If you desire husband then enough with meditation. A gem does not search. It is searched for. Hence, you does not search for bridegroom. He searched for you. Here Mahakavi Kalidassa discussed about the good activity of communication values between Lord Siva and Parvati.

Oh Parvati! How long do you suffer in this meditation? I also did meditation in brahmachari stage. You can obtained the husband with my half of meditation. I like to know about that desired person. Then Parvatis friend told him like this. Parvati has rejected the wealthy Indra and others, the lords of the four quarters. She desires as her husband Lord Siva, who is the destruction of Manmatha. It is the personality development of Parvati about the love of Lord Siva. She came along with us to this hermitage with her fathers (Himavan) permission to do meditation for the desiring person Lord Siva. Then Brahmachari asked Parvati it is true or a joke. Oh Vedic Scholar! It is true. The penance is the means to attain that. Then Brahmachari said “ i know about siva and you desire him. He resided at burialground. How will your hand with the matrimonial thread tied. But sivas hand coiled by a bracelet serpent.The bride wear the mark of royal swan and siva wear the elephant hide with red spots, How it is possible the union at any time? You can travel elephant vehicle and not an old bull after marriage. If you can travel an old bull vehicle along with siva the public will be laugh at the time of situation. Sivas body has deformity in eyes. His origin is not known. His wealth is indicated by his nudity. Even one merit quality in Siva looked for in a suitor?

Then Parvathi said, that you do not really know about siva is certain. Hence you spoke to me like that. The ignorant criticise the extraordinary deeds of the great people which are beyond logic. The ashes fell from the body of the dancing siva is smeared on their heads by the gods also. Enough with discussion. My mind is fixed on siva with the feelings of love. A self-willed person does not care criticism.Then bachelor said Oh Parvati! from today i am your slave, obtained by your meditation. Parvati immediately forgot her fatigue caused by austerities.


The Himavan was purified with his generations by Parvatis deeds and not by the holy ganges of the Ganga. Dharma is the first and foremost activity of the trivarga.Here the great poet Kalidasa discussed about the feelings and expressions of human power and personality development between Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati in high level in Literature.