ISSN NO. 2581-9070 ONLINE

Visionary Women – A Dignified Life : Ground Realities

National Seminar on

Visionary Women

Women to-day, Ground Reality and Empowerment

(Sept. 12, 2019)

Organized by

Tejesvi Astitva Foundation (Delhi Based NGO)

In Collaboration with

Viskakha Government (P.G.) and Degree College (Women) Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Title of Article : Visionary Women-

A Dignified Life : Ground Realities

by Prof. (Dr.) Reena Jaiswal[1]


The theme of the seminar is laudable. It looks good to see that ideologically and conceptually, a visionary woman can do many things. Her role may be positive in achieving goals mentioned as central idea of the seminar in the brochure. Question arises here-isn’t the theme aims to only deitifiction of women who are capable of eradicating every evil in the society, even to present war and pollution? It exaggerates the expectation of society from women.

It is accepted that there have been women who have been pioneers in many fields, conceiving ideas, had vision and its implementation. Women have made their marks in various walks of life; education, politics, sports, finance, banking etc. Pertinent question is-who is a visionary woman-vision for herself or for others (society); does vision require approval of a higher authority before it is brought into operation; is it variable; does vision require societal approval?

Ground realities, however, indicate otherwise, when idealism comes into conflict with ground realities, the former takes back seat. There are innumerable impediments in the way of visionary women. We have witnessed that from the childhood till her death a woman, visionary or not, is under constant threat of various sorts of evil things committed against her. Feminity is always at stake, be it in family, outside for studies or at workplace. Her safety should be of prime concern for developing her into an independently thinking person with dignity. Living with dignity is a sine qua non of every human being in a civilized society.

This paper aims at discussing various aspects of the theme of the seminar and the impediments in present day scenario on the basis of empirical study.


[1]. LL.M., Ph.D. (BHU) Hon. D.Let. (I.B.C. Cambridge England), Former Head and Dean, Faculty of Law, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh.